Toward a Transparent World… Edward Snowden and Friends…

Living in a physical world with our carnal minds offers us a way of life that’s unavailable anywhere else… a life of deception and hidden agendas.

Beyond the material realm—in the worlds of spirit—consciousness is transparent. Between lifetimes on Earth, when we return home to those astral and ethereal realms, our thoughts, emotions, and intentions are observed clearly by those around us.

Only by living in the material world can we experience the strange illusion of secrecy.

That’s one of the biggest obstacles facing genuine ITC research. It’s impossible to establish and sustain a stable contact field with the finer realms of spirit unless we on this side are sincere and transparent in our thinking.  Clandestine thoughts and intentions among us humans make true ITC communications nearly impossible. We can’t sustain a harmonious rapport with the finer worlds of spirit if we can’t sustain it with each other.

Read more about ITC and the contact field…

Secrecy is also one of the biggest obstacles to world peace. As long as we harbor hidden agendas in our minds that boil over into our governments and corporate boardrooms, there can be no trust. Without trust, there can be no peace.

And that leaves us in a dilemma here on Earth. For noble-savage humans living in a noble-savage world, wide-ranging trust seems to be out of reach. Unless we choose a loving, trusting path of martyrdom, always turning the other cheek to the unstable, predatory forces around us—a behavior that often leads to a short and battered life—we have to harbor a degree of suspicion as we walk the Earth.

Through the years we collect a few trusted friends, and we circle the wagons of mutual acceptance around us. We’re careful about whom we let into the circle. Our trust ends at the perimeter.

That’s a typical way of life on Earth… walking the line between trust and suspicion… between candor and stealth. And it doesn’t bode well for ITC research or for world peace.

I have a part-time job writing engineering specs for a high-tech communications company. One of the most crucial and most complicated elements in the software that I write about, is the need for security of information. Other companies use this company’s product to communicate lots of important information across wi-fi networks… and it’s important that the information streaming through the airwaves can’t be diverted by outside groups who could use it for harmful purposes. That requires elaborate security measures built into the software, all quite standard in today’s electronic world… but totally mind-boggling to the lay person.

Get a glimpse of wi-fi security…

In my work I observe the intricate security procedures as they evolve in the high-tech world, and I’m sometimes staggered by the complexity. When I close my eyes for a moment and find that place of peace within, I wonder… wouldn’t it be so much easier… wouldn’t it be nice… if we could just trust each other?… if we could sweep away all of these security precautions that encrypt a simple message into a dizzying stream of gibberish, only to be de-encrypted at the receiving end?

If we could just say what we feel?… express clearly what we’ve done?

If we could live in a transparent world?

Then, of course, I open my eyes and I’m back on Planet Earth.

Which brings us to the case of computer guy Edward Snowden, the CIA/NSA contractor who noticed that his boss, Uncle Sam, has been mining oceans of data from the global communication networks in order to spy on millions and millions of people throughout America and around the world… on a truly gargantuan scale. Snowden apparently viewed this as an ominous trend and felt it was his duty to bring the US surveillance program to light and to “return this information to the public…” so he’s begun releasing details about the program to the press.

People have been calling Snowden a hero and a whistleblower on one hand… a traitor and a dissident on the other hand… depending on which hand they favor at the moment.

Those who yearn for an idealized world… a noble world… a world of trust and transparency… those people celebrate Snowden.

Those who flourish in an adversarial world… a savage world… a world of suspicion and deception and hidden motivations… those people denounce him.

For a compelling look into this amazing modern-day drama unfolding around Edward Snowden and his intermediaries, Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald…

Read this great NY Times piece, an exciting story…

The bottom line, of course, is that we inhabit a noble-savage world. If there’s any hope for a peaceful future of humankind on Planet Earth, it will be found on a noble path toward the transparency of our innermost thoughts and motivations… at governmental and transnational levels as well as within each of us… even if the world doesn’t happen to operating that way at the moment.

That’s not intended to pardon Snowden in a “legal” sense for his choices. This is, after all, a noble-savage world. We pick a side, behave accordingly, and then reap the rewards and suffer the consequences.

In the big picture, in terms of spiritual destiny, noble choices always pay the greatest rewards… even though they often bring bumps and bruises by the savage forces around us.

But if you believe, as I do, that noble choices ultimately prevail… then Edward Snowden made a valid choice, in spite of the rough road ahead.

This can be seen in the plea by Snowden’s father to President Barack Obama.

Read the letter by Lon Snowden…


Further Reading:

Politics and the Human Spirit series

Best and worst countries to be born  –   Election fraud 2012  –   Best and worst US presidents  –  Humor in politics  –  Biggest political news –  End of the American dream  –  Blown to bits in the computer age  –  Standards, the key to peace  –   What Obama and Stalin really have in common   –  Bad counsel and a short leash   –   Capital punishment & the human spirit   –  Edward Snowden and a transparent world

About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters ( and worldly matters (
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