Why Did Obama Call Trump a Demagogue?

In his speech at the Democratic National Convention (2016-07-27) President Obama called Donald Trump a “demagogue,” which I believe was a poor choice of words.

Trump is certainly a demagogue… a shallow, self-absorbed rabble-rouser (like Adolf Hitler and Joseph McCarthy), but most people have no idea of what a demagogue is and don’t know how to spell it… and it sounds like “demigod,” which is just the opposite: an admired and respected person.

Someone who stirs up people’s savage motivations of fear, suspicion, and hatred is a demagogue.

Someone who inspires people’s noble motivations of love, trust, and good will is a demigod.

Next time tailor your message to the masses, which is your forte… please.

About Mark Macy

Main interests are other-worldly matters (www.macyafterlife.com) and worldly matters (www.noblesavageworld.com)
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